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Public Health Wales

  1. We work to protect and improve health and well-being and reduce health inequalities for the people of Wales.
  2. Public Health Wales is one of the 11 organisations which makes up NHS Wales. We are the national public health agency in Wales.
  3. An organisation’s values are what makes us 'us' – how we, individually and collectively, conduct ourselves on the path to achieving our core purpose. Values can’t be fabricated.

We work to protect and improve health and well-being and reduce health inequalities for the people of Wales. Public Health Wales is one of the 11 organisations which makes up NHS Wales. We are the national public health agency in Wales.

An organisation’s values are what makes us 'us' – how we, individually and collectively, conduct ourselves on the path to achieving our core purpose.  Values can’t be fabricated.

1 Job Vacancies

  • £28,834 - £35,099 per annum
    A vacancy has arisen within the Finance Team of Public Health Wales resulting in an excellent opportunity for an enthusiastic, self-motivated and proactive individual to join the Trust as Senior Finance Assistant (Capital and Financial Management Support.

    You will also provide support to budget setting and the year-end accounts process to ensure t...