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Tempo Time Credits is the largest time-based currency in the UK. We work in partnership with organisations across the UK to involve more people in their communities. 

How Tempo Time Credits work:

  • Earn Tempo Time Credits by giving your time with a community group or service
  • Spend Tempo Time Credits on fun activities with friends and family

When we work together, communities are built, lives are transformed, and positive change happens. Tempo Time​ Credits are a time-based currency that says ‘thank you’ to people who give their time to help out in their communities, support good​ causes, and shape the services they use. ​People earn Time Credits for volunteering in organisations that are part of the Tempo network.

Tempo Time Credits encourage more people to get involved in volunteering and enjoy the benefits it brings - like feeling healthier and happier, learning new skills, making new friends and gaining confidence. 

65,000 people have earned Time Credits so far

1,000,000 Time Credits have been earned since 2008

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