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St David's Hospice

  1. At St David’s Hospice, our mission is to ensure that the people of Anglesey, Conwy and Gwynedd receive the end of life care they deserve.
  2. Receiving a diagnosis of either a malignant or non-malignant life limiting illness can be a very difficult time, and we want to make sure that individuals and their families are supported throughout their journey.
  3. We believe that each person has the right to decide where they would like to spend the last phase of their life, and we aim to ensure that they are as safe and comfortable as possible.

At St David’s Hospice, our mission is to ensure that the people of Anglesey, Conwy and Gwynedd receive the end of life care they deserve.

Receiving a diagnosis of either a malignant or non-malignant life limiting illness can be a very difficult time, and we want to make sure that individuals and their families are supported throughout their journey.

We believe that each person has the right to decide where they would like to spend the last phase of their life, and we aim to ensure that they are as safe and comfortable as possible.

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